Theorie Kolloquium | January 20, 16:30

Interactions and disorder in topological quantum matter

Prof. Simon Trebst

The emergence of topological order is one of the most intriguing phenomena in quantum many-body physics and one of possibly far reaching relevance - topological quantum matter is
increasingly appreciated as possible medium for quantum computation purposes. In this talk, I will discuss the stability of topological quantum matter when considering the effects of
interactions and disorder on the collective quantum state formed by a set of topological excitations, so-called anyons. In particular, I will discuss the formation of a thermal metal of
Majorana fermions in a two-dimensional system of interacting non-Abelian anyons in the presence of moderate disorder. This bulk metallic phase occurs for various proposed systems
supporting Majorana fermion zero modes when disorder induces the random pinning of a finite density of vortices. This includes all two-dimensional topological superconductors in
so-called symmetry class D. A distinct experimental signature of the thermal metal phase is the presence of bulk heat transport down to zero temperature. I will finish by discussing
implications for topological quantum computing proposals. 

University of Cologne
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified