SFB 1238 | March 20, 14:30

Exploring exotic quantum phases by Raman spectroscopy under extreme conditions

Jonathan Buhot

In condensed matter physics, Raman spectroscopy is an extremely powerful probe of the inelastic and dynamic response of many-body systems and helps to identify the relevant energy scales that drive fundamental physical phenomena. It can also provide information on the symmetry of the relevant order parameter, even those exotic states that remain “hidden” to other spectroscopies, unveiling the rich microscopic and anisotropic nature of the phase in question, as well as its possible (complex) interplay with other ordered states. Over the past few years, I have developed two unique Raman scattering experiments, capable of probing low energy excitations (0.6 meV) in extreme conditions of low temperatures (4.2 K), high pressures (17 GPa) (Materials and Quantum Phenomena Laboratory, Paris) and high magnetic fields (30-37 T) (High Field Magnet Laboratory, Nijmegen). To illustrate the scope and potential of these new spectroscopic tools, studies carried out on heavy fermion systems [1, 2], filled skutterudites [3] and multiferroics [4] will be presented.
[1] JB et al. PRL 113 266405 (2014)
[2] JB et al. arXiv:1805.11307 (2018)
[3] JB et al. In preparation
[4] JB et al. PRL 115 267204 (2015)

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Contact: P. van Loosdrecht