Leibniz Group Seminar | November 08, 10:15

Late time behavior of disordered, elastic systems

Douglas M. Photiadis

The late time behavior of disordered, wave bearing systems, acoustic, elastic or optical, has been of great interest in recent years. From a practical perspective, late time measurements correspond to large distances in a disordered system, and are thus relevant in many imaging or non-destructive
evaluation applications. From a basic science perspective, late time observations can reveal interference behavior resulting from the approach to the Anderson transition, and offer the prospect of observing classical wave systems in a localized phase. While the Anderson transition has been
theoretically predicted to occur in such systems for some time, clear evidence of a localized phase has unexpectedly been quite difficult to find. Our theoretical understanding of the current status is still
incomplete, with continuing efforts employing direct numerical simulations, self-consistent, multiple
scattering models, and field theoretic methods. Of these, direct numerical simulations and field theoretic methods enable a description of the localized phase. Direct numerical simulations, particularly those based on a monopole or dipole scattering approximation, have achieved some
promising results but still describe highly idealized systems, and require substantial computational resources to describe systems substantially larger than a mean free path. Field theoretic methods on the other hand, while yielding semi-analytic results, have in the past been restricted to even more idealized systems. We discuss recent results in these areas, particularly with a view of moving towards a more realistic description of disordered, elastic systems. This research was funded by the Office of Naval Research.

Naval Research Laboratory, Washington (D.C.)
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified