Theorie Kolloquium | June 08, 16:30
Strongly correlated QCD: from chiral symmetry breaking & confinement to the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions
The theory of strong interactions, QuantumChromoDynamics, exhibits a
strongly correlated low energy regime. This regime is governed by two
phenomena, strong spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and confinement.
While the former phenomenon is responsible for most of the visible mass
in the universe, the emergence of the latter is still not fully understood.
Experimental access to QCD at large and small energies, temperatures and
densities is obtained via heavy ion collisions within a non-equilibrium evolution.
In summary the understanding of QCD requires theoretical approaches that can
deal with both, strongly-correlated physics as well as non-equilibrium processes.
The past years have seen tremendous progress in the description of QCD at vanishing
and finite temperature and density with functional diagrammatic approaches, such as
the functional renormalisation group or Dyson-Schwinger equations. Within these
approaches QCD correlation functions of quarks, gluon and hadrons are computed
non-perturbatively from first principles.
In the present talk I will discuss respective results for strongly-correlated vaccum QCD,
the phase structure of QCD at finite temperature and density, as well as its dynamics
close to equilibrium. The talk concludes with a discussion of the further prospects
for our understanding of the phase structure and dynamics of QCD.
University of Heidelberg
SR 0.03 TP
Contact: Sebastian Diehl