Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | April 16, 14:30
Computational Spectroscopy of Quantum Field Theories
Quantum field theories play an important role in many condensed matter systems for their description at low energies and long length scales. In 1+1 dimensional critical systems the energy spectrum and the spectrum of scaling dimensions are intimately related in the presence of conformal symmetry. In higher space-time dimensions this relation is more subtle and not well explored numerically. In this talk we motivate and review our recent effort to characterize 2+1 dimensional quantum field theories using computational techniques 2+targeting the energy spectrum on a spatial torus. We discuss several examples ranging from the O(N) Wilson Fisher theories and Gross-Neveu-Yukawa theories to deconfinement- confinement transitions in the context of topological ordered systems. We advocate a phenomenological picture that provides insight into the operator content of the critical field theories.
University of Innsbruck
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Simon Trebst