QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | June 20, 14:30
Machine Learning Data from Electronic Quantum Matter
In recent years, enormous data sets have begun to appear in real-space visualizations (scanning probes) and reciprocal-space visualizations (scattering probes) of electronic quantum matter. Increasing volume and variety of such data present new challenges and opportunities that are ripe for a new approach: machine learning. However, the scientific questions in the field of electronic quantum matter require fundamentally new approaches to data science for two reasons: (1) quantum mechanical imaging of electronic behavior is probabilistic, (2) inference from data should be subject to fundamental laws governing microscopic interactions. In this talk, I will review the aspects of machine learning that are appealing for dealing with quantum complexity and present how we implemented a machine learning approach to analysis of scanning tunneling spectroscopy data.
Seminar Room of the Institute of Physics II
Contact: Simon Trebst