Statistical Physics Seminar | November 21, 12:00

Universality in directed single-file motion in closed heterogeneous landscapes

Tirthankar Banerjee

Single-file motion in quasi one-dimensional geometry appears in wide-ranging systems, ranging from ion transport in biological channels, fluids absorbed in materials with nanopores, colloidal particles moving along circular grooves to pedestrian dynamics regulated along a line. In this talk, we focus on the steady state density profiles in directed single-file motions of a collection of particles along closed
heterogeneous landscapes. Modeling these as asymmetric exclusion processes with heterogeneous hopping rates along a closed ring, we explore generic localised (LDW) and delocalised (DDW) domain walls and delocalisation of LDWs in the steady states. We further show how the interplay between heterogeneity and particle non-conserving Langmuir kinetics leads to a phase transition between a two-phase coexistence and a three-phase coexistence state. We eventually discuss the more generic
problem of heterogeneities with arbitrary spatial variation and extract a notion of universality, hitherto unknown, for the steady state density profiles and the associated phase diagrams.

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Seminar room TP 0.02
Contact: Joachim Krug