Großes Physikalisches Kolloquium | November 14, 16:45

Nonlocal gravity and dark matter

Bahram Mashhoon

The conceptual basis for a classical nonlocal generalization of Einstein's theory of gravitation is presented. The framework of general relativity is enlarged by the introduction of a preferred frame field; then, history dependence is introduced. Nonlocality --- in the sense of an influence ("memory") from the past that endures --- could be a natural feature of the universal gravitational interaction. Nonlocal gravity is formally analogous to the nonlocal electrodynamics of media. The nonlocal aspect of gravity can simulate dark matter. The implications of nonlocal gravity theory for the problem of dark matter in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and cosmology are discussed. Special Colloquium honoring Friedrich Hehl's 80th birthday.

University of Missouri
Contact: Claus Kiefer