Condensed Matter Theory Seminar | November 17, 14:00
Designing quantum paths in adiabatic quantum computing
The computational superiority of a computer that operates according to the laws of quantum mechanics relies crucially on quantum parallelism: different sets of data stored as a superposition of quantum states can be processed in parallel. To play out this advantage, however, one has to be able to prepare such superpositions in the first place --- using only a minimum of computational resources. We present a framework to efficiently prepare superpositions of many-body spin configurations with programmable squared amplitudes. The spin configurations are encoded in the degenerate ground states of the lattice-gauge representation of an all-to-all connected Ising spin glass. The ground state manifold is invariant under variations of the gauge degrees of freedom, which take the form of four-body parity constraints. Our framework makes use of these degrees of freedom by individually tuning them to dynamically prepare programmable superpositions. The dynamics combines an adiabatic protocol with controlled diabatic transitions.
University of Innsbruck
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Sebastian Diehl