DMV Tagung | September 22, 16:30
On the Anti-de-Sitter / conformal field theory conjecture from a Euclidean quantum field standpoint
The symmetry group on the Anti-de-Sitter space acts as a conformal group on its boundary. It is shown that quantum fields on Euclidean AdS – when restricted via suitable scaling – indeed fulfill conformal invariance on the boundary. Even in the case of non-interacting fields some new renormalization factors are required. In the case of interacting fields in AdS2 or fields with cut offs in arbitrary dimensions a new kind of somewhat intriguing infra-red problem arises. While the approach taken here does not reflect the richness of Maldacena’s AdS/CFT conjecture on supergravity and Yang-Mills theory, the AdS/CFT problem for Euclidean quantum fields allows the statement and proof of some rigorous results on the basis of what has been established in Constructive QFT.
Universität Wuppertal
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified