Theorie Kolloquium | May 19, 16:30

Depinning as a Coagulation Process

Muhittin Mungan

We consider a one-dimensional model that describes the depinning of an elastic chain of particles in a strongly pinning, phase-disordered periodic environment under a slowly increasing driving force. The evolution towards depinning occurs by the triggering of avalanches in regions of activity which are at first isolated, but later grow and merge. For large system sizes the dynamically critical behavior is dominated by the coagulation of these active regions. Our analysis and numerical simulations show that the evolution of the sizes of active regions is well described by a Smoluchowski coagulation equation, allowing us to predict correlation lengths and avalanche sizes in terms of certain moments of the size distribution. Time permitting, we will also briefly present work in progress on the thermal behaviour of the model.

Bogazici University and Bonn University
TP seminar room 0.03
Contact: Joachim Krug