DMV Tagung | September 20, 15:00

String theory outside the critical dimension

Dorothea Bahns

I will review some recent developments in string theory in a setting initiated by Klaus Pohlmeyer in the 1980s. Here, a Poisson algebra is assigned to surfaces of extremal area immersed in Minkowski space, e.g. to the world sheet of a string. Two deformations of this Poisson algebra (quantization schemes) have been proposed. One is based on the quantization of an auxiliary Lie algebra in terms of its universal enveloping algebra, the other is based on the deformation theory of quasi-Lie-bialgebras. Contrary to the ordinary setting of string theory, which is based on conformal field theory, these two quantization schemes do not require a critical dimension for consistency.

Universität Göttingen
Seminarraum Theoretische Physik
Contact: not specified