QM2 - Quantum Matter and Materials | April 03, 14:00
Many-body localization - search for an ideal nonequilibrium system
Many-body localization (MBL) is the quantum phenomenon involving the interplay of disorder and particle interaction, characterized by the nonergodic behaviour of physical observables. It is intensively investigated theoretically within disordered many-body models and experimentally in optical lattices of cold atoms. Within a one-dimensional random-field spin system dynamical density correlations can be used as an indicator for the MBL phase and are closely related to the dynamical spin conductivity and d.c. transport.
An analytical approach indicates that one dimension might still be singular with the subdiffusion in the ergodic phase. On the other hand, an analogous simulation of the Hubbard chain shows that a disordered potential does not induce full MBL, but only charge localisation.
Seminar Room 0.03, ETP
Contact: Zala Lenarcic